Welcome to SAP
Greetings! Welcome to the Salesian Academic Program, or SAP for short. SAP is at its heart a global citizenship course. It is also a skills-based course. We learn various research and academic presentation skills, and then use those skills to work together in groups and complete various projects throughout the year. All of these projects are based in themes related to different facets of global citizenship. In the first year of SAP these projects relate to understanding different perspectives, cultural traditions from around the world, and globalization.
The types of projects that we undertake include power point presentations, academic poster sessions based on survey and interview data, and ultimately filming (and acting in!) campaign videos in support of a global issue.
We also welcome a variety of guest speakers throughout the year to supplement our learning about globalization and other countries and cultures. So far this year our guest speakers have included: A Japanese international fashion designer, representatives from major Australian universities, a cultural studies professor from Tokyo University, the President of Temple University Japan, an international trade lawyer, and the First Secretary of the Canadian Embassy.